26 November 2013

The Holiday Show Sign

The Holiday Show Sign

Original post by Brian Bowes via Emergent Ideas: http://studiobowesart.tumblr.com/post/68187318205

25 November 2013

How to Feel More Abundant in Your Life and Art

via Art Biz Blog http://www.artbizblog.com/2013/10/more-abundant.html

I recently wrote about the importance of embracing an abundant mindset in your marketing. Now let's look at some ways that you can start feeling more abundant that will help you break out of that frugal mindset. How do others treat you? How do you treat yourself? How do you treat others? [...]

24 November 2013

Another Look at Louis Glanzman

via Today's Inspiration http://todaysinspiration.blogspot.com/2013/11/another-look-at-louis-glanzman.html

We lost Lou Glanzman earlier this year. He was 91. Lou and his lovely wife Fran had been members of the Today's Inspiration mailing list for many years. His work was some of the first I came to admire when I developed an interest in mid-20th century illustration. Here, from a 1954 edition of Reader's Digest Condensed Books, is another look at the art of Louis Glanzman...



















Lou Glanzman was the subject of a series of posts here on Today's Inspiration in 2009. If you're interested in seeing more of his work and reading about his career, click the links below.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Arnie Fenner posted an excellent tribute to Lou Glanzman and many great examples of his work at the Muddy Colors blog

Lou Glanzman's official website

Nice Photo

via PETAR MESELDŽIJA ART http://petarmeseldzija.blogspot.com/2013/11/nice-photo.html

Camp Secret

via ArtGhost http://artghost.blogspot.com/2013/11/camp-secret.html

Witch hunter with a man catcher

via Chalky Hearts http://www.chalkyhearts.com/2013/11/witch-hunter-with-man-catcher.html

20 November 2013

Revisiting my sketchbook. This is a test post.

Prepping a new pallet of paints

Prepping a new pallet of paints:

This are The colors that I’m going to use on a private commission. Quinacridone Gold Quinacridone Burnt Scarlet Lemon yellow Windsor Newton Blue/ Green shade Burnt Umber Neutral Tint

Original post by Brian Bowes via Emergent Ideas: http://studiobowesart.tumblr.com/post/67548522258

19 November 2013

Lining up my watercolor palette

Lining up my watercolor palette

Original post by Brian Bowes via Emergent Ideas: http://studiobowesart.tumblr.com/post/67501896843

Another Look at Robert Heindel

Recently I came across this series of illustrations Robert Heindel painted for Reader's Digest Condensed Books in 1970. I've modified the layout of the first spread because I really wanted to include that fantastic title typeface, so typical of typography of the early '70s.


This group of illustrations really knocked me out. Heindel's technique on this series leaves an impression of both old and new styles of picture making.


The juxtaposition is quite remarkable. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it.




I only wish we could see this magnificent series under better printing circumstances. I'll bet the originals would be beyond belief.




Robert Heindel has previously been the subject of a week of posts on the TI blog. If you'd like to see more of his work and read about his career, just click on these links:

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

via Today's Inspiration http://todaysinspiration.blogspot.com/2013/11/another-look-at-robert-heindel.html

New Faun Paintings

via Mythwood - The Art of Larry MacDougall http://mythwood.blogspot.com/2013/11/faun-paintings.html

The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

H.J. Ford, The crimson fairy book

The crimson fairy book. Edited by Andrew Lang.

Published 1903 by Longmans, Green and Co. in London, New York.

Illustrations by H.J. Ford.

via Book Graphics http://book-graphics.blogspot.com/2013/11/the-crimson-fairy-book.html