In the big hill country north and west of Gwelf things are stirring. Spring has arrived right on time and the annual migration has begun. Giants and trolls are making their way down out of the hills and into the low lands, causing their usual upset and discomfort. With no regard for fences or private property they wander hither and yon, in a selfish display of gluttony and mess making, showing a complete disregard for self respect or personal hygiene.
All across the region guard houses and monitoring stations keep an ever vigilante eye on these large, marauding fellows. Above we see depicted the well discussed incident of several weeks ago where just such a giant was able to catch a platoon of troll monitors asleep in their comfy little beds following an ebullient birthday celebration the night before. Luckily for these chaps this giant was merely curious and completely unaware that the damage done to the roof timbers and shingles would take weeks to repair and cost each of the snoozy inhabitants a months wages. The mice and owls will no doubt return once the saw dust has settled.
The latest reports have the repairs nearly complete and the guards at this station as watchful and wide awake as we all would hope. Three cheers for the Home Guard !
More soon. Be well and proceed with caution.