29 May 2015
More inky beginnings! #studio #bookart #Sketch #drawing #ink...
More inky beginnings! #studio #bookart #Sketch #drawing #ink #illustration #poetry #bordercollie #dog (at 17th Avenue Studios)
Original post by Brian Bowes via Emergent Ideas: http://ift.tt/1G9HRYz
24 May 2015
How an #ink #drawing starts. #Sketch #studio #bookart (at 17th...
How an #ink #drawing starts. #Sketch #studio #bookart (at 17th Avenue Studios)
Original post by Brian Bowes via Emergent Ideas: http://ift.tt/1KfhZrP
22 May 2015
Progress Report On My Mosaic For The Bascilica in Knock, County Mayo
15 May 2015
Eye Candy for Today: Eakins’ Concert Singer
The Concert Singer, Thomas Eakins Link is to zoomable version on Google art Project; downloadble file in Wikimedia Commons; original is in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. There is an article on the painting on Wikipedia. This striking portrait by Thomas Eakins is here in Philadelphia, where I’ve had the pleasure of studying it many […]
10 May 2015
08 May 2015
8 of the Biggest Mistakes Artists Make in their Art Careers
You might be making mistakes in your art business that are holding you back from big growth.
Mistakes aren’t bad, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to be perfect in everything you do because seeking perfection is a sure way to be paralyzed by fear. We have to make mistakes in order to learn and to grow.
Mistakes are only detrimental if you keep repeating them without learning and correcting your ways.
Are you making any of these mistakes?
1. Not knowing where you want to go with your career.I’m not talking about the need to have a specific plan, but I’ve noticed how few artists, especially when they’re just starting out, don’t “get” that running a business is serious stuff. You’re no longer making art for pure pleasure.
Everything changes when you start asking for money in return for your talents. For some artists, it changes for the better and you’re fired up to get your art out there. Other artists can’t stomach the pressure and lose all interest in making art. They can’t seem to get into the studio.
07 May 2015
Figure Drawing Using The Buddy System
via Studio Bowes Art Blog at http://ift.tt/1cc1hOu
05 May 2015
04 May 2015
Mr. Badger makes a visit to the MacDougall’s in Mythwood
via Studio Bowes Art Blog at http://ift.tt/1OULYvE
03 May 2015
Eye Candy for Today: Dürer’s St. Eustace
St Eustace, Albrecht Dürer Engraving, roughly 14 x 10 inches (35 x 26 cm). Link is to zoomable version on Google Art project; downloadable file on Wikimedia Commons, original of this impression is in the National Gallery of Victoria, which also has a zoomable image. In this tour-de-force engraving — created at the dawn of […]
02 May 2015
Portfolio Tips from Sanne Dufft, Europolitan Showcase Winner
I’d met Sanne Dufft before at the Bologna Book Fair and was surprised when I saw her show up at the Europolitan Conference with her foot in a brace and limping on a crutch. She said that she almost canceled her trip because of her injury, but convinced herself that she had to attend. How […]